Right­-of-Way & Corridor Appraisal

Right-of-way valuation, or corridor appraisal, requires unique methodologies, skills, and corridor factor data rarely found among appraisal firms. Corridor appraisal methodologies used include “across-the-fence” and “corridor factor” analysis. Selecting and utilizing the appropriate methodology given the appraisal problem at hand is of the utmost importance. Equally important is the ability to review appraisals and analyze methodologies used by others, and provide consulting and advisory services backed up by credible expert witness testimony when the need arises.  JRES provides a variety of right-of-way and corridor services:

  • Value individual properties or consulting on appraising rights of way and corridors
  • Consult and advise regarding identification of the larger parcel for eminent domain appraisal
  • Select appropriate valuation methodology including across the fence or corridor factor analysis
  • Conduct due diligence into property specific physical, legal, and governmental constraints
  • Evaluate property value trends over historical time periods
  • Review appraisal reports and provide expert witness testimony

To speak with an expert in right-of-way valuation or corridor appraisal, please call 303-388-1100 or fill out our contact form.

I have worked with Bill on residential real estate appraisals in the Aspen and Snowmass Village markets (a market where the average price of single family residences is well over $5 million, and we have a number of $20 million-plus properties). I have found Bill to be not only thorough, but thoughtful in his approach to appraising residences. I appreciate his willingness to increase his understanding of the property and marketplace by listening to information and taking that into account as necessary. I have given Bill referrals on complex properties or situations that I was unable to accept, and I look forward to working with him again.

- Susan Ebert-Stone, SRA
