Distressed Asset Appraisal & Advisory Services

Occasionally, challenging real estate markets and adverse economic conditions impact commercial and residential property prices, and asset performance. While larger institutions have special asset services groups to mange their distressed assets, resource-challenged lenders, private equity groups, developers, and individual investors often rely on a trusted advisor like James Real Estate Services for unbiased distressed asset appraisal and consulting related to loan workouts, foreclosure, receivership, and disposition strategies.

Investors and opportunity funds that are in a position to acquire these properties must develop and validate a sound acquisition strategy. JRES provides qualified, unbiased market knowledge and analysis required to yield superior risk-adjusted returns on distressed assets.

  • Value individual properties or real estate portfolios
  • Research and analyze current and future market rents and lease terms
  • Value distressed assets for loan defaults or complex workout scenarios
  • Analyze and investigate appropriate capitalization rates, discount rates, and absorption forecasts
  • Assemble a team of experts to prepare a distressed asset strategy and provide asset management services
  • Assess the highest and best use of property for development or re-positioning
  • Appeal assessor valuations for property tax tax purposes
  • Assess the feasibility of new development or asset repositioning (including subdivision analysis)

To speak with a distressed asset expert, please call 303-388-1100 or fill out our contact form.

Have known Bill many years and acknowledge both he and his work always very professional and meeting all levels of lenders standards of performance.

- William Uhlemann
