JRES Article Access

JRES offers 3 different paid subscriptions to keep you informed about the Denver real estate market. With your paid subscription, you’ll get unlimited access to our searchable database of articles: The JRES Real Estate News Library. In this database, you’ll find articles that we’ve been compiling since 2001 from over 40 news sources in the Denver metro area.

We want everyone to experience the value of JRES Article Access. That’s why we’re offering a free 30 day trial when you subscribe to the Real Estate Perspective or the Cherry Creek Perspective. Experience the competitive advantage that our database can bring to you…. Sign up for your free 30 day trial today!

Please note: The free 30 day trial is only available for the Real Estate Perspective and Cherry Creek Perspectives. If you’re interested in learning more about the Apartment Perspective before subscribing, please view our sample issue here.

Order Summary

  • Your Order: Real Estate Perspective + Cherry Creek Perspective - Annual
  • Subscription Length: 1 year
  • Recurring: Yes
  • Content Access: Unlimited Articles

Total: No charge today, then $150 per year after 30 days

What’s Included? You will not be charged until your free trial is over.

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Bill is the best in his field.

- John McWilliams