July 25, 2018
Welcome to Real Estate Perspective – real estate market and economic information from over 40 sources in a single, easy-to-read weekly newsletter.
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Each business day the JRES staff reviews all Denver metro area wide and local newspapers, trade journals, government websites, blogs and other sources for commercial and residential real estate and economic news. News items are condensed into easily readable summaries providing all of the essential facts for the Real Estate Perspective newsletter. Real Estate Perspective is provided alongside Cherry Creek Perspective which provides quick and easy monthly access to current metro area mobility, and southeast Denver real estate and economic information. And Apartment Perspective, provides a detailed update of Denver metro area apartment rental, vacancy and development/construction activity including proposed projects. A searchable library of all of the JRES newsletters content is available at:
The latest on Real Estate and Mobility is also available at a Group in LinkedIn with that name and moderated by Bill James at:
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Special Announcement – Mobility Choice Blueprint – Denver Metro Area – Take the Quiz
The Mobility Choice Blueprint is a collaborative strategy to help the Denver metro region identify how to best prepare for and invest in the rapidly changing technology that is revolutionizing transportation mobility. A unique planning and funding partnership of CDOT, DRCOG, RTD and the Denver Metro Chamber is creating the Mobility Choice Blueprint – a coordinated strategic direction for the evolving mobility of the region related to walking, bicycling, driving and transit. The 2030 Blueprint will analyze travel trends and technologies in the region, explore and evaluate various technologies and their implications for mobility, align transportation investments of multiple public agencies and create new planning and implementation partnerships.
5 minutes of your time will help shape the future of mobility in the Denver metro area! Take this unique quiz:
RTD is hosting informational meetings to inform the communities they serve about the completed Pass Program Study and current fare review. RTD conducts a scheduled fare review every three years to identify potential fare changes. This fare review is being performed in part by recommendations from a yearlong Pass Program Study. Members of the 25-member Pass Program Working Group were asked to evaluate and recommend changes to RTD’s pass programs and existing fare policy. At these open houses, RTD staff will present updates concerning fares, the Pass Program Study and working groups fare recommendations, the agency and its budget, and more. Staff will be available to answer questions from the public.

CI 101 serves as your introduction to the CCIM Cash Flow Model. Learn to apply the CCIM Cash Flow Model to make your investment decisions based on wise investment fundamentals. Some of the concepts you will explore include IRR, NPV, Cap Rate, Capital Accumulation, and the Annual Growth Rate of Capital. This class will also introduce you to two other important tools-the CCIM Strategic Analysis Model, the fundamentals behind the numbers, and the CCIM Decision-Making Model, a process for analyzing and making real estate decisions. Jeff is a Professor of Real Estate and the Built Environment at the University of Denver, Daniels College of Business, which is ranked among the very top collegiate real estate programs worldwide.